This is my blog about the different types of books I read, mainly mystery, myths, and magic, and what I thought of them. I hope you like them, too.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Mediator series

Hi everyone! In 7th grade my friend recommended a series to me called The Mediator. This is a hard series to review. I did enjoy the story, but the sixth book had some serious holes in the plot. The author, Meg Cabot, used the phrase "I mean" (for example "I enjoyed them, the cookies, I mean") way too much. The Mediator series is about a girl who is able to see ghosts and has to help them move on to the next life. I loved the story in itself, but the way it was written was not very good. Although I read this in 7th grade there were a few "adult" parts that even I skipped over. Nothing actually happened  except "passionate" kissing but things were mentioned in detail. Although this only happened a few times per book, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone younger to seventh grade (depending on the person). So, although, this wasn't my favorite series, it was worth the read.  

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